Instagram Template Sze

Instagram Template Sze

Social media platforms are always being updated, which means they're frequently changing their profile and cover photo dimensions, layouts, and requirements for uploaded images. It can be tough to keep track of it all. We understand you're busy; you can't spend all your time sweeping the Internet for information that's bound to change again tomorrow.

However, high-quality and creative imagery is imperative to social media marketing success, so it's important to know the proper dimensions for each network you use.

Download our free eBook here to learn how to win over your audience on social media.

That's why we decided to gather the information for you and keep it in one continuously updated place for your convenience. We also sprinkled in some social media image best practices. Pretty handy, huh?

We thought so, too.

Social Networks

For easy access to the information you're looking for, click on one of the following to jump to that section:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TweetDeck
  • Google My Business
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat
  • Tumblr
  • Infographic & All Image Templates

Facebook Image Sizes

Featuring high-quality imagery on Facebook shows your audience that your business is legitimate, reputable, and pays attention to the details (no matter how small).

Facebook wants to provide a positive user experience and prevent advertisers from being overly promotional or spammy, so they suggest using minimal text in your images. This used to be a rule for advertisers—limit your text to 20% or your potential reach could be affected.

Recently though, Facebook dropped that rule along with their text overlay tool. Advertisers are free to use as much text in their image without being penalized for it, however the platform still encourages to keep it to a minimum, reporting that images with less than 20% text tend to perform better.

Facebook Profile and Cover Photo Dimensions

Most businesses use this space for their logo rather than a person's photo. However, if your business is run by you and only you, using a photo of yourself might not be a bad idea.

As for your cover photo, you'll notice that your desktop display looks a little different from your mobile device. That's because Facebook is trying to create a better experience for users depending on the device they're on.

In order to cater to both mobile and desktop displays, we recommend keeping the safe zones in mind:

  • 90 px on both the right and left sides of the image are visible on desktop
  • 24 px on both the top and bottom of the image are visible on mobile

Download Free Facebook Profile Picture Template PSD

Download Free Facebook Cover Photo Template PSD

Facebook Shared Image (Timeline & News Feed) Dimensions

These images appear both on your timeline and in most of your followers' news feeds. With the decline of Facebook's organic reach, try asking your fans to like or share your photos to gain visibility without a significant financial investment. Or consider paying a small fee to boost your posts to ensure that your audience sees it in their feed.

Download Free Facebook Shared Image Template PSD

Facebook Shared Link Photo Dimensions

If you're sharing a link to your business' Facebook Page, there are a few more elements to consider and formats to choose from. When you paste a link into your status, depending on the size of the images on the web page, you'll be prompted to include a carousel of up to 10 images. You also have the option of sharing the link without using the image—which can come in handy if you'd rather upload a new image to share with the link instead.

Pro Tip: Sharing images and links from other sources allows you to post relevant content to your page when you don't have time to create your own. It's also a great way to share content contributed by your audience or other businesses and keep promotions to a minimum.

Download Free Facebook Shared Link Thumbnail Template PSD

All Facebook Image Dimensions

Download All Facebook image Template PSDs

Instagram Image Sizes

Instagram is all about visuals, which should make the importance of high-quality images blatantly obvious for this social network.

Instagram Profile Photo Size

As with some other platforms, the profile photo is a circle that shows up next to all of your posts and at the top left of your profile page. For businesses, it's a great idea to use your logo here so all of your photos are associated with your brand.

Download Free Instagram Profile Picture Template PSD

Now when you go to post on Instagram, you have a few more options available to you than in the past.

Square photos are no longer the be-all end-all on this platform (though when you look at the grid view of your profile page, they will show as square). You have the ability to upload portrait- and landscape-oriented photos and videos, as well as a carousel of up to 10 photos per post.

And, to ensure images look sharp across all devices with high-resolution displays, Instagram strives to upload your images at the best quality resolution it can (up to a 1080-pixel width).

Pro Tip: This is a great place to show your company culture, what happens "behind the scenes" of your business, the process of creating your products, customers using your products, etc.

Download Free Instagram Profile Picture Template PSD

All Instagram Image Dimensions

Download All Instagram Image Template PSDs

Twitter Image Sizes

Known for its real-time social buzz, Twitter is also an extremely popular customer service and experience tool for businesses.

Twitter Profile and Cover Photo Dimensions

Your profile photo will be visible not only on your profile, but in your news feed and next to a link in the "Who to follow" box. Most businesses use their profile photo as a place for their logo because it is seen practically everywhere: when you Tweet, when others Retweet your Tweet, when their Retweet gets Retweeted, and so on.

Download Free Twitter Profile Photo Template PSD

Your cover photo, however, is only seen when a user clicks to your profile—but that doesn't mean it's not important! It's a large photo across the top of your profile, so you want it to be high-quality and represent your brand.

Twitter recommends that you upload your cover photo dimensions at 1500 x 500 pixels, but because the cover photo is responsive, yours may end up looking larger or smaller depending on the size of your browser or screen.

To be safe, we suggest keeping all important content and design elements of your cover photo within the safe zone. 😊

And when you're creating your cover photo, don't forget to account for your profile photo in the bottom left corner!

Pro Tip: Cover photos are a great place to describe what your brand does, display a new product, or use as free advertising space.

Download Free Twitter Header Photo Template PSD

Twitter Timeline Photo Size

Twitter may have a limit of 280 characters, but you can use visuals to assist in representing your brand and enhancing your shared content.

Attaching a photo to your Tweet used to take away 23 characters (because it needed the URL to link to the photo), but now, links and media attachments (e.g. photos, GIFs, videos, and polls) are no longer counted in the Tweet character limit.

And it's a good thing too because Tweets with images are over a third more likely to be Retweeted than those with only text.

Download Free Twitter Timeline Photo Template PSD

All Twitter Image Dimensions

Download All Twitter Image Template PSD

TweetDeck Image Sizes

You can't make separate images for Twitter and TweetDeck since TweetDeck is not a separate social network, so everything you post on one site will show up on the other (there's no way around it).

However, you still want to take into consideration the way that your Twitter images appear on TweetDeck because the dimensions do vary in size a bit.

Pro Tip: Some of your header image design will be covered by your profile photo and bio in TweetDeck. So if you have important text or imagery that you'd prefer be seen at all times, be careful about centering those elements.

PLEASE NOTE: Any images you upload to Twitter will appear on TweetDeck, so you cannot have two different image sizes. However, be sure to keep the below dimensions in mind when creating Twitter images to ensure that they render well across both platforms.

Google My Business Image Sizes

Engage with your customers and keep a fresh presence on Google with eye-catching imagery that will help you stand out in both the search results and on Maps.

Google My Business Profile and Cover Photo Dimensions

Consistency is key with Google My Business (GMB)—ensuring that your brand is easily recognizable right from the search results page.

With a strong GMB profile photo that represents your company (most commonly, it will be your logo!) and a cover photo to show some personality, you'll make a great first impression when your business is searched for.

Pro Tip:Your cover photo is shown when a user is searching in Google Maps. Within your GMB account, you can choose what image you would prefer to display here, however keep in mind, it does not guarantee that it'll be the first image to populate for your business.

Google My Business Posts Dimensions

GMB posts allow you to push events, updates, blog posts, offers and company news directly to the Google search results page.  Posts offer a unique and visual way to attract the interest of people searching for your brand. These posts only stay active for a week, so be sure to update them frequently.

You can start posting from directly within the Google My Business interface. Be sure to use captivating images and attention-grabbing headlines to stand out.

All Google My Business Image Dimensions

Download All Google My Business Image Template PSDs

Pinterest Image Sizes

Pinterest is a valuable search tool in itself; 77% of weekly users discovering a new business, product or service on the platform, and 83% have made purchases based solely on a brand's Pinterest content.

Pinterest Profile Photo Size

This is one of the few platforms that doesn't have a cover photo, so the representation of your brand rests heavily on the shoulders of your profile photo. Pinterest's profile photo is uploaded as a square, but displays as a circle at the top of your profile.

Download Free Pinterest Profile Photo Template PSD

Pin Image Size

With Pinterest's layout being more portrait-oriented, vertically designed pins tend to perform better. When deciding on size, create a pin that caters to what you want to visually represent; larger pins do not necessarily mean you'll attract more attention.

Download Free Pinterest Standard Pin Template PSD

Download Free Pinterest Giraffe Pin Template PSD

Pinterest Board Display Size

The first thing you see when you visit someone's Pinterest profile is their collection of boards. Name your boards appropriately and include a relevant cover photo for each of them. You don't want empty boards (or no boards at all), but you don't want a plethora of boards with no purpose, either.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your first two or three boards are directly related to your industry or audience. You don't want visitors to leave your profile because they don't understand what your business does or can't quickly find the information they're searching for.

Also, infographics tend to do really well on Pinterest.

All Pinterest Image Dimensions

Download All Pinterest Image Template PSDs

LinkedIn Image Sizes

LinkedIn is primarily for networking with other professionals, but it's also a resource for businesses to connect with other businesses, prospective employees, and industry leaders. You can choose between a personal profile and business page (both with free or paid options).

LinkedIn Personal Profile and Background Photo Size

You should have a respectable, professional photo of yourself for your personal LinkedIn profile.

On LinkedIn, the background photo replaces the "cover photo" at the top of your profile page. As an oblong shape, it can be difficult to find imagery that fits the space well—that's where creating your own visuals comes in handy.

LinkedIn Company Logo Size

The standard logo for a business account is a small square at the top of the profile page that is displayed next to your company's name.

The square logo is what people see when they search for your company or see your posts in their news feed.

Download Free LinkedIn Company Logo Template PSD

LinkedIn Company Cover Photo Image Size

The cover image on a business page stretches across your profile above your logo and company name.

Pro Tip: Use a photo of your employees or your business' building as a banner photo—and avoid random stock photos. For background photos, it's usually best to choose something subtle that doesn't distract too much from the content on your profile.

Download Free LinkedIn Company Cover Photo Image Template PSD

All LinkedIn Image Dimensions

Download All LinkedIn Image Template PSDs

YouTube Image Sizes

YouTube is a video-sharing social network that is accessed by users on the largest variety of devices, including tablets, phones, desktops, and televisions, so it's important to have imagery that displays correctly across devices.

YouTube Channel Icon and Channel Art

A small profile photo overlays the top left corner of your YouTube page. As important as profile and cover photos are to representing your brand, on YouTube, many users will most likely see one of your videos before they view your channel page. This makes having striking images even more important so that users associate the videos with your brand and are familiar with you when they do reach your page.

Pro Tip: You only upload one image for your YouTube channel art, but it will display differently across different devices. When you upload an image, you can crop it to fit the desktop layout (see the GIF below for a demonstration) – but make sure the important elements are right in the center to ensure they aren't cropped out on smaller screens.

All YouTube Image Dimensions

Download All YouTube Image Template PSDs

Snapchat Image Sizes

With over 187 million daily active users, Snapchat provides businesses with a visual way to connect with their audience. Through the use of lenses, filters and ads, Snapchat is a source for engaging, unique content.

Just remember, there is a buffer zone when it comes to Geofilters! All important info, logos, & disclaimers shouldn't be placed within the top or bottom 310 px of your image.

Below are the updated image sizes required to run successful Snapchat advertising campaigns.

All Snapchat Image Dimensions

Tumblr Image Sizes

Tumblr is a blogging and social platform where users share thoughts, quotes, music, articles, GIFs, videos, images—basically anything. Images are (of course) an important aspect of this social network, but text-based content is associated with Tumblr as well.

Tumblr Avatar (Profile Photo)

This photo will show up as a small square next to your posts in your followers' main feeds and is embedded with your username in posts that users come across while perusing Tumblr.

You can choose a theme for your Tumblr page, which allows for added customization (think of it as a website or blog page); however, many users will still be able to see a "profile" preview with an avatar and header photo of your choice (see the GIF below for an example of the profile preview).

With that in mind, it's important to remember that this header image will not show up on your Tumblr page unless you add it to your theme. Your avatar may also not be featured on your theme but will show up as your Tumblr's favicon on browser tabs.

Tumblr Image Post

Now that your avatar is taken care of, it's time to look to your posts. With eye-catching imagery, your post will have a greater chance of standing out and maybe even get some reblogs!

And it doesn't just have to be one photo—choose up to 10 images to display per post. Don't worry, Tumblr made it super easy to create a photoset.

Pro Tip: Consider placing your business' logo directly on the photos you upload to increase brand visibility and recognition.

All Tumblr Image Dimensions

Social Media Image Size Infographic & All Image Templates

DownloadSocial Media Image Sizes Infographic (PDF)

Download All Image Template PSDs

Topics In This Post: Design

Instagram Template Sze



Instagram Template In React For Web

Instagram Template In React For Web

Instagram is now on the web

Instagram has its own web presence for the first time

Instagram has its own web presence for the first time

Popular social photography app Instagram is rolling out a new website over the next few days.

If the Instagram profile pages look familiar, it may be because the 'profile photo' and 'cover image' areas look almost identical to Facebook's, as does the position of its 'photos/following/followers' indicators - no surprise perhaps, with the social behemoth having bought Instagram back in April for an eye-watering sum.

However, instead of a Facebook-style cover photo, that area features a selection of your recently shared photographs just above your profile photo and bio, giving others a snapshot of the photos you share on Instagram.

Anyone with an Instagram profile will find their web page online this week

Anyone with an Instagram profile will find their web page online this week

Beneath that is a timeline of the photographs you have taken with the Instagram app - there is currently no way to upload images from the web - which will be familiar to regular users of the app, and the layout on a larger screen is somewhat reminiscent of Pinterest. In addition, you can follow users, comment on and like photos, and edit your profile directly from the web.

To see your profile, or to explore a friend's profile, navigate to[username]. For example, in order to view Nike's profile you'd navigate to on the web.

Now read:

  • 101 Photoshop tutorials
  • Best Photoshop plugins
  • Download free textures
  • The best free fonts for designers

What do you think of Instagram's new web presence? Discuss it in our comments section below!

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Instagram Template In React For Web



Instagram Cardboard Template

Instagram Cardboard Template

Turn your online feed into a reality with our free-to-use personalised Instagram selfie frame template. Rack up the likes by editing it online - add your own profile photo, name & location and those all-important #hashtags. You can even change the distinctive logo header text of your Instagram frame prop to reflect whatever big occasion your Instagram selfie cutout is celebrating. It really is as simple as that! Our selfie boards are made from durable material and printed in full colour for a vibrant eye-catching picture. It makes the perfect tool for social media and brand exposure.

Selfie Frame Templates

Choose from our pre-prepared social media selfie frame templates then simply add your own text and images with our easy-to-use online editor. Create the ultimate social media frame prop and celebrate any big occasion with our free-to-use selfie frame templates.

  • Click & Collect
  • London Direct
  • Regular Delivery

Click & Collect

Conveniently, we're a just a short five minute walk from Angel Islington underground station, so if you want to get out of the office and collect your materials in person, you can pick them up anytime between 12-6pm once we've emailed you to let you know they're ready. Oh, and it's free.

London Direct

We've teamed up with London courier service, Gophr, to provide a direct delivery service for eligible postcodes within the capital, ideal if you require your printed collateral in a hurry. Your order will be delivered to you the very same day as it's ready to leave our Islington HQ.

Regular Delivery

We endeavour to print and ship all of our customers' orders as soon as possible. If you're not in a hurry, choose our Regular Delivery option; your order will be collected by the courier the same day it's ready to leave our Islington HQ and delivered to you the next working day.

  • Redefining 'regular'

    Our Regular Instagram selfie board is finished in full vibrant colour to one side, on a solid 10mm soft centred foam board; trimmed out to the classic selfie-ready photo frame shape. The ideal size selfie frame for those one-off special events and occasions such as weddings or birthdays.

  • Go green

    Our environmentally friendly approach to the Instagram selfie prop range promises a striking full colour print to one side, using a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) sustainably produced 4mm Dispa board; finished in a photo-optimised selfie board shape. Rented photo booths can be expensive, so let our Green option be an affordable do-it-yourself alternative.

  • Deluxe

    The most durable of our Instagram picture frame prop range is printed with full colour to one side; on 5mm water resistant hard foam board finished with a photo-ready window cut; so all you need to do next is say 'cheese'. This custom Instagram frame prop is a medium weight and the perfect choice for those intending regular use for events or shows; inside or out.

But first, let me take a selfie.

Personalised Instagram frame props are the perfect way to add that bit of extra fun and excitement to your event. Take your social media marketing to the next level and create an Instagram selfie photo booth everyone will be proud to share.

Only the highest quality

Our products are supplied on only the highest quality materials and stocks, and we replicate that quality across all that we do, including the service and customer experience from the start to the finish.

An experienced team

With over 30 years' experience in the printing industry, we are proud to be backed by a skilled and knowledgeable team who strive to overcome any challenge, striving for success and here whenever you need us.

In London, for you.

Located in the heart of London, we are here for all of your personalised printed materials and endeavour to deliver only the highest quality materials with ease and speed, with a fast London Direct delivery service available.


Instagram Cardboard Template



Instagram Assumptions Template

Instagram Assumptions Template

Photo by Unsplash/neonbrand

Photo by Unsplash/neonbrand

Instagram saat ini menjadi ramai diperbincangkan, sebab aplikasi tersebut tidak hanya sebatas berbagi foto dan video saja. Instagram kini diramaikan oleh berbagai templates serta filter menarik untuk penggunanya, seperti yang belakangan ramai digunakan oleh orang banyak adalah templates dari @createdbyjz, akun tersebut membuat templates yang dapat diisi oleh pengguna Instagram dari berbagai dunia.

Templates tersebut bertema "Make an assumption about me" pengguna dapat mempostingnya di Instagram stories atau dalam feeds, kemudian templates itu akan diisi dengan pertanyaan mengenai kita atau teman.

Photo by

Templates ini merupakan karya dari Jeanette Zhu, seorang desainer dan ilustrator digital yang berasal dari New York, Amerika Serikat. Sejak kecil ia mengaku gemar menciptakan sesuatu, lewat desainnya Jeannete Zhu berharap dapat memberi inspirasi, dan membicarakan isu yang sedang terjadi melalui karyanya.

Jeannete Zhu membuka donasi untuk siapa saja yang ingin menyumbangkan uang atau menghargai karyanya, Jeannete bercita-cita ingin membuka toko online, tempat itu nantinya dapat menjadi tempat pembelian dimana ia akan menggabungkan seni dengan merchandise.

Lihat postingan ini di Instagram

✨ 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 ✨⁣ 🔈 Sound on & swipe for more. Story reshares are greatly appreciated. ♡⁣ ✧ ✦ ✧⁣ We live in a filtered world. So often the photos we see online are edited in many ways, from warped bodies that are curved and slimmed to fit an unattainable ideal, to fake travel pictures with copy-pasted backgrounds, to selfies claiming to have no filters but secretly ridden with many subtle ones. And it's not only our photos that are filtered — social media gives us all a platform to filter our lives by selectively sharing pieces of ourselves to craft a perception we hope others will approve of and validate. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle — the photos we see define our expectations of what's normal and make us feel the need to post images that are similar. ⁣ Filters aren't necessarily a bad thing. I see them as an art form, helping us create a story or character usually based on reality but not completely accurate in its context or scope. They help us feel more confident in sharing our lives and connecting with others online. However, the lack of acknowledgment that they may exist in a photo or feed, and our tendency to compare our realities to someone's carefully constructed image are big issues. So as you travel on your online adventures today, I want you to remember that the photos someone shares are only what they want you to see. I want you to remember that social media feeds are simply storyboards for a movie trailer to someone's life or a highlight reel of the moments they want the world to remember them for. I want you to remember that your reality is enough. You are enough. Don't let this filtered perception ever convince you otherwise. ♡⁣ 「♫ Music: @kenaiiiofficial - Mixed Emotions」⁣ This is my belated contribution to the #angie100k challenge. Elements of this work were inspired by @artbyangie.jpg. ⁣ ✧ ✦ ✧⁣ What's your most-used filter? Would you ever post something without it?

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Jeanette (JZ) ✧ (@createdbyjz) pada 25 Feb 2020 jam 7:09 PST

Sebelumnya, akun ini juga pernah viral pada pertengahan Februari 2020 dengan templates "*Ask Me My Top 3". *

Apa kalian sudah mencoba templates tersebut? Share di kolom komentar

Instagram Assumptions Template



Story Instagram Template

Story Instagram Template

Want your brand's Instagram Stories to look clean, polished and consistently stylish? Instagram Stories templates are the way to go.

The truth is, most of your favorite brands probably already use them. But really, it's no surprise they want to make their Stories look good: half a billion users interact with Instagram Stories daily, and 58% of people say their interest in a brand or product increased after seeing it in Stories.

If you're not using this Insta feature to put your best foot forward, you're going to miss out.

In this post, we'll show you how to use Instagram Stories templates to wow your audience and showcase your best content. We've also included a designer pack of 72 customizable templates that will boost the look of your Stories right away.

Download your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now . Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

Why use Instagram Stories templates?

Though Stories may disappear after 24 hours, they're still going to reach plenty of eyeballs over that span of time, as we know from those impressive Instagram Stories stats.

Plus, now that you can turn Stories into "Highlights" on your Instagram profile, that temporary content actually has the potential for a much longer shelf life.

Might as well make it look nice, right?

But there are tons of other reasons to use Instagram Stories templates, too.

Look professional

Yes, Instagram Stories are primarily known for their charmingly unpolished execution (anyone else weirdly addicted to watching Go Clean Co. scrub grout?). But, as with all social networks, the level of professionalism that users expect from brands is steadily rising.

Brands often use Instagram Story templates to create a consistent aesthetic on their Stories: one that's connected to their larger visual identity or brand voice. The subtle (aesthetically pleasing) inclusions of branded fonts, colours and logos all help to build familiarity and trust with a brand.

Jewellery design studio Melanie Auld Jewelry uses templates to share editorial content on its Stories, like this profile of wellness and travel blogger Julianne Barbas. With shots laid out artfully and elegant text, it's almost like a digital magazine feature. Profesh!

Melanie Auld Jewelry Instagram story template

Save time (and money)

Because most content on Stories disappears after 24 hours (unless you post them to your Highlights), it doesn't make sense to professionally design every single shot or video.

But if you know you're going to be regularly posting certain types of content, designing a template to accompany each one will save you time (and the cost of hiring a pro) in the future.

Pro tip: With Hootsuite's Instagram Story Scheduler, you can create, edit and schedule your Instagram Stories in advance.

Make non-visual content pop

Instagram is a visual platform where brands that invest in good photography excel. But not everyone on Instagram is selling something visually exciting like optical illusion makeup or horrifying '80s living rooms.

The Washington Post (whose TikTok, btw, is weirdly good too) gets people to swipe up on their news stories by using eye-catching animated text and simple illustrative graphics. Even though it's less flashy than glitter eyeshadow, it catches the eye in a Stories feed full of bright visuals.

Washington Post dollar store Instagram story

Or, maybe you just need to post a Story that doesn't necessarily call for a photograph, such as an intro page for a slideshow of delicious treats, à la Minimalist Baker.

Minimalist Baker slideshow intro page

Stand out from the competition

This one's easy. Instagram Stories templates are a quick and simple way for your brand to distinguish itself as viewers are flipping through a sea of Stories.

A striking graphic design will (hopefully!) capture their attention and reinforce your brand's style in the process. It's also a way to show that you've put time and thought into your content.

Brit and Co.'s stories are instantly recognizable when they pop up in your feed: images and videos are always on a splashy backdrop that features brand-appropriate colors, shapes and textures. They're distinct from the standard look you get from crafting a Story directly in the Instagram app: definitely attention grabbing.

Brit and Co watercolor painting

72 free Instagram Stories templates

As a thank you to our dedicated readers, we've designed a pack of 72 customizable Photoshop Instagram Stories templates that will instantly boost the look of your Stories. The templates are divided into nine different story types, with four to 12 styles per category.

Choose the format that best suits your purposes and customize it in Photoshop (instructions below) to match your brand—or simply use as is. The possibilities are endless!

Want 'em all? No sweat. Download them here!

Download your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now . Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

Happy birthday Instagram Story templates

Happy birthday Instagram Story templates

AMA Instagram Story templates

AMA Instagram Story templates

Quotes Instagram Story templates

Quotes Instagram Story templates

Instagram Story ad templates

Instagram Story ad templates

Instagram Story bingo templates

Instagram Story bingo templates

Instagram Story donation templates

Instagram Story donation templates

Music Instagram Story templates

Music Instagram Story templates

This or that Instagram Story templates

This or that Instagram Story templates

About Me Instagram Story templates

About Me Instagram Story templates

Instagram Story template size

If you're going to DIY your own Instagram story template, you're probably going to want to know the dimensions.

Instagram Stories are 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall.

For best results, your Instagram Story should have an aspect ratio of 9:16, and a minimum width of 500px.

And in case you were curious about any other social specs, here's our handy social media image size cheat sheet!

How to use the Instagram Stories templates

Here's how to customize these templates for your brand and then upload them to your Instagram Stories. You will need Adobe Photoshop to get started.

Download your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now . Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

Download the templates now!

1. Once you've downloaded and unzipped the Photoshop files, double click the image you'd like to customize to open it in Photoshop.

2. To edit text: double click the text you would like to edit. You can change fonts and colors in the menu on the left-hand side.

Adobe Photoshop edit font

3. To edit a color block: double click the color block you would like to edit. Change the size or use the menu on the left-hand side to change the color.

edit color block

4. To edit a photo: double click the photo you would like to edit and click insert new image. Resize image as necessary.

edit photo and resize

5. To save one single Story template: Select the Story you would like to save and go to Save>Export As>Artboard to Files. Make sure to save as a .jpg or .png.

save single Story template

6. To save all four Story templates: Save>Export As. Make sure to save as a .jpg or .png.

save all four Story templates

7. Email the finished image file(s) to yourself and download them onto your phone.

8. Upload to Instagram Stories one at a time.

Instagram Story template apps

If this monster pack of templates still isn't quite fitting your needs, that's totally cool. You can make a custom Instagram Story template of your very own using Photoshop or one of the apps below.

Check out these other resources for Instagram Stories templates if you don't have Photoshop, or if you don't require a lot of customization capabilities.

Adobe Spark

Not only are there thousands of beautiful templates in Adobe Spark's free library, but it's got built-in photo editing functionality too — so you can make sure your images pop as much as the graphic design.

Adobe Spark free library


As mentioned above, you can use Photoshop to tweak our Hootsuite templates—but Adobe's also got some bare-bones starter templates too for you. Put your own spin on things and get experimental!

Photoshop templates

Download the Unfold app for iPhone or Android to access a huge library of ready-made Stories templates right on your phone. A monthly or annual subscription will open up even more options.

Unfold Story templates

A Design Kit

A perennial favorite of the influencer crowd, A Design Kit's designs allow you to add elements, tweak colors, texturize and more. Over 30 fonts offer an opportunity to really stand out from everyone else typing away with Instagram's minimal selection.
A Design Kit Story templates


Easil's free version includes 2,500-plus templates to play with, but if you feel like splashing out, the platform's brand kit feature is pretty cool: it allows you to store your color palette, logos, brand images and fonts in one place to pop into their sleek templates. There's also a handy collaboration feature, so you can tag-team a Story with a teammate if you need an extra hand.


GoDaddy Studio

The unfortunately named GoDaddy Studio tool (formerly Over) actually has some pretty sweet design options. It's ultimately lure to try to get you to sign up for their web hosting services, but you can score some sleek looking templates for free.

GoDaddy Studio


Mojo's specialty is animated Stories: toss your photos or videos into one of their dynamic templates and customize the timing, music and text effects for an attention-grabbing message. New templates and styles are added each month.

Mojo create animated social content


With Crello's free plan, you can download five designs each month; a subscription plan offers more options for tapping into their design library.


Creative Market

Okay, the Instagram Stories templates you'll find on Creative Market are all paid options… but if you've got some bucks in your social media budget, you can get something unique in the $30-$70 range. Buy a cohesive pack that speaks to your brand and you'll have plenty of options to play with. Most kits have hundreds of variations on a theme to keep your Stories on point but not repetitive.

Creative Market

Now that you're all set with some beautiful visuals, it's time to buckle down and focus on crafting great content to go with it. Check out our list of 20 creative Instagram Story ideas or guide to must-know Instagram Stories hacks to get the inspiration flowing for your next post.

Save time managing your Instagram Stories using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, respond to comments and DMs, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles. Try it free today.

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Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts and Stories with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

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Polaroid Instagram Story Template

Polaroid Instagram Story Template

Stylonylon | Apps For Editing Instagram Stories

Can you even imagine life without Instagram Stories? I can't! I'm a huge fan and see the empty pages as a wonderful way to stream all sorts of moments and mini stories. The fluidity and spontaneity is an exciting way to create content…

Check out my Stories over on @stylonyon

Although how I create content for Instagram Stories has changed and evolved over the last few months; now I see the empty pages as pages from a magazine, your own personalised one – where you can flit from silliness to sombreness and present your imagery in numerous formats.

This morning I did an Instagram Live to discuss some of the apps I am using to make content for my Stories (not massively time-consuming, although if I'm super busy I won't bother with these all the time!) and I wanted to list them here so you can try them too! The only other thing I would recommend is buying a stylus to help with some of the finer work in apps like Plotagraph and Cinemagraph.

For Instagrammers using Stories in wonderfully creative ways, I would say go check out srhmikaela, parkandcube, qmike and jordanbunker.

My Instagram @stylonylon


InShot is by far the app I use the most. For creating images & videos with borders & backgrounds of different colours, or to use the image/video itself as a background. You can easily resize the canvas (choose 9:16 to best fit Stories), resize and move the image/video and create layouts mixing both pictures and videos. I really like some of the Cinema filters and some of the effects too, like glitch, TV and jpeg. You can also add text and slow or speed up videos. Loads of potential.

Stylonylon | Apps For Editing Instagram Stories
Playing with backgrounds!

Always look for the background options in an app, you will usually be able to choose from all the colours, or have the option to upload another image as a background – InShot allows you to choose blurred options of the image, which is quite a cool effect!


Unfoldis a really popular one with bloggers I know – it gives you polaroid frames, the ability to mix photo and video and overlap pictures too, which I love! You need to pay for some of the more fun ones, like the polaroid frames, which I always do, lol!


I've recently been getting into Over for their lovely fonts! So often I use an Unfold frame and then import into InShot to reposition against a white background and then take into Over to add a nice handwriting font! I bought a couple of fonts in all, including the two in the Story above on the right!


PhotoGrid has a variety of photo templates which can be good for a collage of pictures, but I really like the Scrapbook option where you can pull in several photos. You can use this to create that 'throwing down a set of pictures' effect – you just have to save each file individually and upload each to Stories.

Stylonylon | Apps For Editing Instagram Stories
Get arty!

Grids are a great way to really give a feel for a place – look out for apps, like Photo Grid, which allow you to change the border width, as you can make it entirely disappear if this is the look you are after.

Pic Stitch & Vidstitch

A bit more limited but both offer a variety of basic frames. I have them on hand just to try and create something different. Remember you can always changes the border thickness and roundness.


Slideshow I used on my grid for a New Year's Day post. Just a bit of fun if you have a few photos you want to share! Although I'm looking for one that combines pictures and videos.

Stylonylon | Apps For Editing Instagram Stories
Handwriting fonts!

I love a nice handwriting font – probably because my own is so terrible! InShot has an ok handwriting font, but I've found really nice one's in an app called Over, although you do have pay for them!

Theme Maker

Theme Maker is useful if you have lots of Live Photos on your iPhone. Basically you can turn them into videos or Gifs to use on your Stories.


Loopvid is great for lengthening videos as Stories doesn't automatically loop them like the grid does.


For the Christmas festive sparkle that invaded Instagram come November last year! Still fun though and do swipe for variations on the basic sparkle. And you can film too!

Stylonylon | Apps For Editing Instagram Stories

I love framing on a white background – it feels fresh and magazine-like! Using polaroid frames is great way of bringing in an analogue feel to our very digital world!


You need to find the good effects and use sparingly! I'd say birds, butterflies, sparkle, steam for cups and rain or snow. Some you'll need to buy in app. Always worth having a play around with and you just might feel that today is the day you need a shark diving into your coffee cup. 😉

Enlight Photofox

You could probably take over the world from this app, if you knew how to use it! Insane capabilities for creating fantastical photos and collages. A lot of what you can do in Photoshop you can do here. You just need to learn how! Lots of tutorials but definitely one that needs some dedicated time. My efforts to date, quite poor, but I have enjoyed the light effects – my challenge for this year! Subscription app.


The crazy-expensive-but-easy-way to make cinemagraphs on your phone. Otherwise make them in Photoshop. 😉


A really easy way to add something extra to your photos – animating the sky or water being the easiest. But as you can animate any part of the photo (I recommend playing with the speed) you can go wild.


This is a fantastic collage app that has evolved itself into something more along the lines of Photofox. You can cut out easily, combine photos and backgrounds and basically let your imagination run wild…

Bokeh Cam FX

I just downloaded this but have yet to have a go with it! Used by Sienna.and.ifor her beautiful Instagram grid. I think subtlety is the key!

That's about if for now! But I will keep you posted on any new ones I get into! Also I would love to hear what apps you're using to create content for Instagram Stories – do share in the comments below!


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